Free to Move From Finance to Fintech

Meet Carmen Smith, Full Stack Developer

Carmen enjoyed finance, and how her work helped people get mortgages and preserve homes. But she wanted a more technical challenge, even after finishing her BA in Computer Science.

“I’m using my new tech experience, and applying it to my finance experience.”

After 10 weeks of what Carmen describes as a “deep, deep dive into Java,” she landed in a position that is the best of both worlds using her new tech skills in an industry that she understands.

It wasn’t just the Java, however. She gained other tech skills in addition to improving soft skills, like communication and interview skills. It made all the difference for her new career reboot.

“We collaborate at GenSpark. That makes me feel more prepared to work with lots of personalities.”

Tech skills are just the beginning of what GenSpark did for Carmen. Sure, she loved her 1:1 training, noting that the instructors kept their sense of humor while still working them hard.

But she really appreciated the work they did in teams. It helped her refine her interpersonal skills and learn how to deliver on projects as a group.

“I’d definitely refer a friend to GenSpark.”

“It’s comforting to know that when you finish your 10 week program, you will have access to a full time job in software engineering. Plus, group collaboration and working with different personalities… I enjoyed that.”

“Ten weeks of deep-dive Java really helped me perfect my skills.”

Carmen had returned to college to earn an associates degree in computer science. She tried to find a job or an apprenticeship, but when she stumbled across GenSpark it seemed like the easiest way to get experience and a foot in the door.

With the experience and the skills, Carmen was ready to realize her goals.

Ready to skill-up and realize your career goals?

Take a page from Carmen’s playbook. Investigate the new doors GenSpark can open for you.

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